


gives the pusl angle profiles for the exitation and refocussing pulses. a pulse is defined as {"name", flipangle, {G_strnth, Dur, BW}}.


gives detaile slice profile information of one pulse. output is {ex_angle_profiel, ref_angel_profile, {plots}}. output for single pulse is {{distance, Mt, Mz, Mx, My, ang, phase}, plots}.


  • The following options can be given:
  • MagnetizationVector{0, 0, 1}MagnetizationVector is an option for GetPulseProfile. It defines the start magnetization vector for the bloch simulation.
    SliceRange12SliceRange is an option for GetPulseProfile. It specifies over which range the slice profile is generated (in mm). the total profile is 2xSliceRange.
    SliceRangeSamples25SliceRangeSamples is an option for GetPulseProfile. defines how many samples are used to generate half a puls profile.
    FatFieldStrength0FatFieldStrength is an option for GetPulseProfile. If the value >0 it will calculate the shift of the fat refocussing pulse compared to the fat exitation pulse. The shift is in SliceRangeSamples steps.
